7th International Cassiopea Workshop
We have successfully concluded the 7th Annual Cassiopea Workshop. Great talks by many brilliant young people!! Diego Lara-Lozano &
Bailey Steinworth won best undergraduate and grad student awards.
for support!

May 10-12, 2024
Abstract submission (In-person and remote): April 1st
In-person participants not presenting
(first come, first served if there is room still available): May 1st
Remote participants (non-presenting): May 9th
The International Cassiopea Workshop brings together researchers from around the world to share research and ideas related to the Cassiopea system.
The multidisciplinary meeting gathers scientists from diverse research backgrounds, with previous attendees having a wide array of expertise in symbiosis, behavior, fluid dynamics, ecology, genetics, etc. We encourage anyone to attend, even if they are new to the Cassiopea system, or are interested in utilizing Cassiopea for research.
The conference is two and a half days of talks (May 10th-12th). The talks, other than the keynotes, are 15 minutes long including time for questions. The associated research opportunities include, May 6th–10th or May 12th–16th for those attending the workshop, the time is dedicated to collections and experiments. The workshops have been instrumental in the continued development of the model system for the growing community, and have led to new ideas and new collaborations. We emphasize attendance from any who are interested, including young researchers.
Conference talks will begin on the morning of May 10th. Presentation awards and concluding remarks will take place midday on May 12th.Costs:
Virtual: $50
Virtual participation will provide access to pre-recorded and live-streamed talks. Attendees will have opportunities to speak with speakers, as well as other attendees.
In-person:Students:$200 Postdocs: $250 PIs:$300
Students and post-docs who would like to attend the meeting in person have the opportunity to stay for free at the marine station.
Lodging: The marine laboratory will provide free dormitory lodging prioritized for students and postdocs, but spots are limited and provided on a first-come, first-served basis. There are Airbnbs and hotels nearby.
Those who arrive early or stay late to attend the workshop also have the opportunity to stay at the marine station. You can apply for one of the extended workshop sessions (May 6th -10th, May 12th -16th). Spots are first come first served based on registration and paying registration fees, and only available for undergraduate, graduate students, and postdocs, with priority given to undergraduate and graduate students.
What does the registration fee include: The registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the days of the conference. In the past, attendees have organized grill-outs and trips to the nearby taco trucks and restaurants. We can also coordinate grocery shopping trips. The dinner banquet will take place on Friday (food from a local Cuban restaurant). Saturday night dinner will take place at a local fish market restaurant as a group. Meat, fish, and vegetarian options will be available on both nights.
It will also include a Cassiopea Workshop 2024 conference swag!
Sandra Loesgen
University of Florida – Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences
“Cnidarian microbiomes and the chemistry of symbiosis”
Kakani Katija
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Michael Abrams
University of California – Berkeley
“Waking a Sleeping Monster: Harnessing the Power of Cassiopea for Sleep Biology”
Address: 104 E Shore Dr, Key Largo FL 33037, United States.