C. xamachana genome

The Cassiopea genome browser (C. xamachana v2.0) is now live through the Joint Genome Institute Genome Portal.

The draft genome version 1.0 is available here.

Access the draft genome publication here


Ohdera A, Ames CL, Dikow RB, Kayal E, Chiodin M, Busby B, La S, Pirro S, Collins AG, Medina M, Ryan JF. Box, stalked, and upside-down? Draft genomes from diverse jellyfish (Cnidaria, Acraspeda) lineages: Alatina alata (Cubozoa), Calvadosia cruxmelitensis (Staurozoa), and Cassiopea xamachana (Scyphozoa). GigaScience. 2019 Jul 1;8(7):giz069.