Cassiopea Literature
Article Name | Year | Author | Location where jellies were collected | Species studied | URL |
On a new species of Cassiopea from Jamaica | 1892 | Bigelow, R..P. | Jamaica | xamachana | |
The anatomy and development of Cassiopea xamachana | 1900 | Bigelow, R..P. | Port Henderson, Jamaica | xamachana | |
Nerve conduction, and other reactions in Cassiopea | 1916 | ALFRED GOLDSBOROUGH MAYER | Florida | xamachana | |
The influence of the marginal sense organs on the rate of regeneration in Cassiopea xamachana | 1916 | Cary, L. | Ft. Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Florida | xamachana | |
The development of Cassiopea andromeda | 1960 | Gohar, Eisawy | UNKNOWN | andromeda | |
Caribbean Scyphomedusae of the Genus Cassiopea | 1968 | Hummelinck | multiple | xamachana, andromeda, frondosa | |
Caribbean scyphomedusae of the genus cassiopea | 1968 | Wagenaar | multiple | xamachana and frondosa | |
Cyclopoid copepod assoaciated with a medusa in puerto rico | 1969 | Humes | La Parguera, Puerto Rico | xamachana | |
Normal and experimentally modified development of buds in Cassiopea (Phylum Coelenterata; Class Schyphozoa) | 1971 | Curtis, S., and Cowden, R. R. | Big Pine Key, Florida | sp | |
Some aspects of regeneration in the scyphistoma of Cassiopea (Class Scyphozoa) as revealed by the use of antimetabolites and microspectrophotometry | 1974 | Curtis, S., and Cowden, R. R. | Big Pine Key, Florida | sp | |
Productivity and organic consumption in Cassiopea and Condylactus | 1975 | Cates | Florida Keys | sp | |
Strobilation, Budding and Initiation of Scyphistoma Morphogenesis in the Rhizostome Cassiopea andromeda (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) | 1978 | Hofmann, Neumann and Henne | Aquazoo Löbbecke Museum Dusseldorf, Germany | andromeda | |
Bacterial Induction of Settlement and Metamorphosis in the Planula Larvae of Cassiopea andromeda (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae) | 1979 | Neumann | Florida Keys | andromeda | |
Carbon metabolism and strobilation in Cassiopea Andromeda (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa): Significance of Endosymbiotic dinoflagellates | 1981 | Hofmann and Kremer | lab-reared | andromeda | |
Selectivity in phagocytosis and persistence of symbiotic algae by the scyphistoma stage of the jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana | 1983 | Colley, N. J., and Trench, R. K. | Florida | xamachana | |
A New Dondice (opisthobranchia;favorinidae) predator of Cassiopea in southwest Puerto Rico | 1985 | Brandon and Cutress | La Parguera, Puerto Rico | xamachana | |
Ammonia induces metamorphosis of the oral half of buds into polyp heads in the scyphozoan Cassiopea | 1987 | Berking and Schüle | lab-reared | andromeda | |
An Unusual blue mesogleal protein from the mangrove jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana | 1987 | Blanquet and Phelan | Marine Specimens Unltd, Summerland Key, FL | xamachana | |
Requirement of exogenous inducers for metamorphosis of axenic larvae and buds of Cassiopea andromeda (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) | 1987 | Fitt, Hofmann, Wolk and Rahat | Israel | andromeda | |
Induction of Metamorphosis in the Symbiotic Scyphozoan Cassiopea andromeda: Role of Marine Bacteria and of Biochemicals | 1987 | Hofmann and Brand | Israel | andromeda | |
Bud formation and metamorphosis in Cassiopea andromeda (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa): a developmental and ustrastructural study | 1990 | Hofmann and Honegger | Aquazoo Löbbecke Museum Dusseldorf, Germany | andromeda | |
Bud formation in the scyphozoan Cassiopea andromeda: epithelial dynamics and fate map (Coelenterate Biology Book) | 1991 | Hofmann and Gottieb | lab-reared | andromeda | |
Development of Planuloid Buds of Cassiopea xamachana (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) | 1992 | Van Lieshout and Martin | lab-reared | xamachana | |
Check points in the life cycle of cassiopea control of metagenesis and metamorphosis in a tropical jellyfish | 1996 | Hofmann, Fitt and Fleck | none | spp | |
The role of temperature in survival of the polyp stage of the tropical rhizostome jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana | 1998 | Fitt and Costley | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Chemical fate of a metamorphic inducer in larvae-like buds of the Cnidarian Cassiopea andromeda | 1998 | Fleck, J. | lab-reared | andromeda | |
Production, respiration, and photophysiology of the mangrove jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana symbiotic with zooxanthellae: effect of jellyfish size and season | 1998 | Verde and McCloskey | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Degrading mangrove leaves of Rhizophora mangle Linne provide a natural cue for settlement and metamorphosis of the upside down jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana Bigelow | 1999 | Fleck and Fitt | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
A proline-rich originating from decomposing mangrove leaves is one natural metamorphic cue of the tropical jellyfish cassiopea xamachana | 1999 | Fleck Fitt Hanh | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Cassiopea xamachana as a bioindicator of dissolved inorganic Phosphates in seawater | 2000 | Brian Todd, William Fitt | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Management of jellyfish fisheries, with special reference to the Order Rhizostomeae | 2000 | Kingsford, Pitt, Gillanders | multiple | andromeda | |
Pelagic coelenterates and eutrophication: a review | 2001 | Arai | Review | review | |
A comparison of the toxinological characteristics of two Cassiopea and Aurelia species | 2001 | Radwan, Burnett, Bloom Coliano Eldefrawi Erdely Arelian Torres and Heimer-dela Cotera | Qusier, Egypt; Harbour Island, Bahamas; Chesapeake Bay, MD-VA | xamachana and andromeda | |
Hermaphroditism, gonochorism, and asexual reproduction in Cassiopea sp—an immigrant in the islands of Hawai’i | 2002 | Hofmann and Hadfield | Oahu, Hawaii | sp | |
Some toxicological characteristics ofthree venomous soft corals from the Red Sea | 2002 | Radwan, Aboul-Dahab, Burnett | Red Sea | xamachana | |
Variation in Host-Symbiont Compatibility Among Cassiopea- Algal Symbioses | 2003 | Adrianne Joy Sloan | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Location and Quantification of Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in the Symbiotic Scuphozan Cassiopea xamachana | 2003 | Estes, Kempf, Henry | Marathon Key, Florida | xamachana | |
An endogenous peptide is involved in internal control of metamorphosis in the marine invertebrate Cassiopea xamachana (Cnidaria : Scyphozoa) | 2003 | Thieme and Hofmann | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Control of head morphogenesis in an invertebrate asexually produced larva-like bud (Cassiopea andromeda; Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) | 2003 | Thieme and Hofmann | lab-reared | andromeda | |
Global phylogeography of Cassiopea (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae): molecular evidence for cryptic species and multiple invasions of the Hawaiian Islands | 2004 | Holland, Dawson, Crow, Hofmann | Hawaii Islands | andromeda | |
Toxicity and mAChRs binding activity of Cassiopea xamachana venom from Puerto Rican coasts | 2005 | Radwan, Roman, Baksi, Burnett | Puerto Rico | xamachana | |
A new record of an alien jellyfish from the Levantine coast of Turkey – Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775) (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa:Rhizostomea) | 2006 | Çevik, C. | Turkey | andromeda | |
Associations between metals and the blue mesogleal protein of Cassiopea xamachana | 2006 | Pnelan, Matta, Reyes, Fernando, Boykins and Blanquet | La Parguera Puerto Rico | xamachana | |
Natural infections of aposymbiotic Cassiopea xamachana scyphistomae from environmental pools of Symbiodinium | 2006 | Thornhill, Daniel, LaJeunesse, Schmidt, Fitt | Florida Bay | xamachana | |
Patterns of inorganic phosphate uptake in Cassiopea xamachana: A bioindicator species | 2006 | Todd, Thornhill and Fitt | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Effects of bleaching and nutrient supplementation on wet weight in the jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana (Bigelow) (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) | 2008 | McGill and Pomory | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
A review and synthesis on the systematics and evolution of jellyfish blooms: advantageous aggregations and adaptive assemblages | 2009 | Hammer and Dawson | Review | andromeda | |
Light intensity influences the production and translocation of fatty acids by zooxanthellae in the jellyfish Cassiopea sp | 2009 | Mortillaro, Pitt, Lee and Meziane | Queensland, Australia | sp | |
Prediction, Location, Collection and Transport of Jellyfish (Cnidaria) and Their Polyps | 2009 | Pierce | Review | review | |
Oxygen and nutrient dynamics of the upside down jellyfish (Cassiopea sp) and its influence on benthic nutrient exchanges and primary production | 2009 | Welsh, Dunn and Meziane | Queensland, Australia | sp | |
Enhanced pore-water nutrient fluxes by the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea sp in a Red Sea coral reef | 2010 | Jantzen, Wild, Rasheed, El-Zibdah, Ritcher | Gulf of Aqaba | sp | |
Spatial distribution of the upside-down jellyWsh Cassiopea sp within fringing coral reef environments of the Northern Red Sea: implications for its life cycle | 2010 | Niggl and Wild | Northern Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan | sp | |
Organic matter release by the benthic upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea sp fuels pelagic food webs in coral reefs | 2010 | Niggl, Nauman, Struck, Manasrah and Wild | Gulf of Aqaba | sp | |
Comparison of telomere length among different life cycle stages of the jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda | 2010 | Ojimi and Hidaka | Enoshima Aquarium- Japan | andromeda | |
Identification key for young ephyrae: a first step for early detection of jellyfish blooms | 2010 | Pohl and Jarms | museum/lab-reared | none | |
Trace element accumulation in Cassiopea sp (Scyphozoa) from urban marine environments in Australia | 2010 | Templeman and Kignsford | Australia | sp | |
A numerical study of the effects of bell pulsation dynamics and oral arms on the exchange currents generated by the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana | 2011 | Hamlet, Santhanakrishnan and Miller | lab-reared | xamachana | |
Primer regustro de dondice parguerencis para Venezuela | 2011 | Mariño, Farfán and Caballer | venezuela | xamachana | |
Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on the abundance and size of epibenthic jellyfish Cassiopea spp. | 2011 | Stoner, Layman, Yeager, Hassett | Abaco, Bahamas | spp | |
Feeding Currents of the Upside Down Jellyfish in the Presence of Background Flow | 2012 | Hamlet and Miller | Carolina Biological Supply Company (Burlington, NC) and Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratories, Inc. (Panacea, FL) | spp | |
Flow structure and transport characteristics of feeding and exchange currents generated by upside-down Cassiopea jellyfish | 2012 | Santhanakrishnan, Dollinger, Hamlet, Colin and Miller | Gulf specimen marine lab, Florida Carolina Biological Supply, North Carolina New England Aquarium Boston, Massachussets | xamachana and frondosa | |
The utility of statoliths and bell size to elucidate age and condition of a scyphomedusa (Cassiopea sp) | 2013 | Hopf and Kingsford | Marine and Aquaculture Research Facilities Unit at James Cook University, Townsville | xamachana | |
Anti-inflammatory activity of pure upside down jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana (Bigelow, 1900) on male sprague dawley rats. | 2013 | Gorgonio, Go | unkown | xamachana | |
Human driven benthic jellyfish blooms: Causes and Consequences for coastal marine ecosystems | 2014 | Elizabeth Stoner | Abaco, Bahamas | sp | |
Variation in symbiont uptake in the early ontogeny of the upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea spp. | 2014 | Mellas, Mcllroy, fitt and coffroth | Florida Keys, Monterey Bay Aquarium | xamachana and ornata | |
Asexual reproduction strategies and blooming potential in Scyphozoa | 2014 | Schiariti, Morandini, Jarms, Paes, Franke and Miazan | lab-reared | sp | |
Effects of Epibenthic Jellyfish, Cassiopea spp., on Faunal Community Composition of Bahamian Seagrass Beds | 2014 | Stoner, Yeager and Layman | Abaco, Bahamas | spp | |
Modification of a seagrass community by benthic jellyfish blooms and nutrient enrichment | 2014 | Stoner, Yeager, Sweatman, Sebilian and Layman | Abaco, Bahamas | sp | |
Temperature-driven asexual reproduction and strobilation in three scyphozoan jellyfish polyps | 2014 | Treible and Condon | lab-reared | sp | |
Revised descriptions of the nematocysts and the asexual reproduction modes of the scyphozoan jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda (Forska°l, 1775) | 2015 | Heins, Glatzel and Holst | Red Sea, North Sea | andromeda | |
Bristle worm attack: benthic jellyfish are not trophic dead ends | 2015 | Stoner and Layman | Abaco, Bahamas | spp | |
Fine-scale detection of pollutants by a benthic marine jellyfish | 2016 | Epstein, Templeman and Kingsford | Queensland, Australia | maremetens | |
Symbiont carbon and nitrogen assimilation in the Cassiopea–Symbiodinium mutualism | 2016 | Freeman, Stoner, Easson, Matterson, Baker | Panamá | xamachana | |
Spatiotemporal distribution, abundance, and species–environment relationships of Scyphozoa (Cnidaria) species in Hisarönü, Marmaris, and Fethiye bays (Muğla, Turkey) | 2016 | GÜLŞAHİN, TARKAN, TARKAN | Turkey | andromeda | |
First Records of the Invasive “Upside-down Jellyfish”, Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cassiopeidae), from Coastal Lakes of New South Wales, Australia | 2016 | Keable and Ahyong | Australia | ndrosia | |
Reduced salinity increases susceptibility of zooxanthellate jellyfish to herbicide toxicity during a simulated rainfall event | 2016 | Klein, Pitt and Carroll | Australia | sp | |
Surviving but not thriving: inconsistent responses of zooxanthellate jellyfish polyps to ocean warming and future UV-B scenarios | 2016 | Klein, Pitt and Carroll | Queensland, Australia | sp | |
Cassiopea and its zooxanthellae (The Cnidaria: Past, Present, Future) | 2016 | lampert | none | sp | |
All non-indigenous species were introduced recently? The case study of Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) in Brazilian waters | 2016 | Morandini, Stampar, Maronna and Silveira | Brazil | andromeda | |
Comparison of zooxanthellae densities from upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea xamachana, across coastal habitats of The Bahamas | 2016 | Stoner, Sebilian and Layman | Abaco, Bahamas | xamachana | |
Cellular respiration, oxygen consumption and trade offs of the jellyfish Cassiopea sp In response to temperature change | 2017 | Ajbour Zimmer and Hunzmann | Bremen, Germany | sp | |
Phylogenetic relationships and morphological variations of upside-down jellyfishes, Cassiopea spp. inhabiting Palau Islands | 2017 | Arai, Gotoh, Yokoyama, Sato, Okuizumi and Hanzawa | Japan; 5 marine lakes and Kamo aquarium | spp | |
Indomethacin reproducibly induces metamorphosis in Cassiopea xamachana scyphistomae | 2017 | Cabrales-Arellano, Islas-Flores, Thomé and Villanueva | Mexico | xamachana | |
The effect of water acidification on zooxanthellae density in upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea spp | 2017 | Chelsea Gail Weeks | John G. Shedd Aquarium- Chicago Illinois | spp | |
Hematological parameters on the effect of thejellyfish venom Cassiopea andromeda in animal models | 2017 | Nabipour, Mohebbi, Vatanpour, Vazirizadeh | Iran | andromeda | |
The Jellyfish Cassiopea Exhibits a Sleep-like State | 2017 | Nath, Bedbrook, Abrams, Basinger, Bois, Prober, Stemberg, Gradinaru, Goentoro | Florida Keys | spp | |
Herbicide effects on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of Cassiopea maremetens | 2017 | Rowen, Templeman and Kingsford | Queensland, Australia | maremetens | |
Metabolic and oxidative stress responses of the jellyfish Cassiopea to pollution in the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan | 2018 | Aljbour, Al-Horani and Kunzmann | Gulf of Aqaba | sp | |
Back with a bang – an unexpected massive bloom of Cassiopea andromeda (Forskaal, 1775) in the Maltese Islands, nine years after its first appearance | 2018 | Deidun, Gauci, Sciberras and Piraino | Mediterranean; Italy | andromeda | |
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of a neurosteroidal alkaloid from the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda venom | 2018 | Mohebbi, G; Nabipour, I; Vazirizadeh, A; Vatanpour, H; Farrokhnia, M; Maryamabadi, A; Bargahi, A | Nayban Bay, Iran | andromeda | |
Acquisition and proliferation of algal symbionts in bleached polyps of the upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea xamachana | 2018 | Newkirk, Frazer and Martindale | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Upside-Down but Headed in the Right Direction: Review of the Highly Versatile Cassiopea xamachana System | 2018 | Ohdera et al. | Review | xamachana | |
Contrasting Antibacterial Capabilities of the Surface Mucus Layer From Three Symbiotic Cnidarians | 2018 | Rivera-Ortega and Thomé | Puerto Morelos, México | xamachana | |
Experimental effects of multiple thermal stress events on a chlorophyll-a content and size of Cassiopea andromeda and the role of heterotrophic feeding and Symbiodinium concentration | 2018 | Thomás Nei Soto Banha | Brazil | andromeda | |
Metabolic and oxidative stress responses of the jellyfish Cassiopea spto changes in seawater temperature | 2019 | Aljbour, Zimmer, Horani and Kunzmann | MAREE facilities at the Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung | sp | |
Review of the diversity, traits, and ecology of zooxanthellate jellyfishes | 2019 | Djeghri, Pondaven, Stibor and Dawson | none | review | |
Regenerative Capacity of the Upside-down Jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana | 2019 | Gamero-Mora, Hakbauer, Bartsch, Stampar, Morandini | Brazil and Florida | xamachana | |
Corrigendum: Night-Time Temperature Reprieves Enhance the Thermal Tolerance of a Symbiotic Cnidarian | 2019 | Klein, Pitt, Lucas, Hung, Schmidt-Roach, Aranda and Duarte | Red Sea | none | |
Night-Time Temperature Reprieves Enhance the Thermal Tolerance of a Symbiotic Cnidarian | 2019 | Klein, Pitt, Lucas, Hung, Schmidt-Roach, Aranda and Duarte | Red Sea | sp | |
Box, stalked, and upside-down? Draft genomes from diverse jellyfish (Cnidaria, Acraspeda) lineages: Alatina alata (Cubozoa), Calvadosia cruxmelitensis (Staurozoa), and Cassiopea xamachana (Scyphozoa | 2019 | Ohdera, Ames, Dikow, Kayal, Chiodin, Busby, La, Pirro, Collins, Medina and Ryan | lab-reared | xamachana | |
Molecular identity of the non-indigenous Cassiopea sp from Palermo Harbour (central Mediterranean Sea) | 2019 | Perzia, Sinopoli and Castriota | Mediterranean; Italy | sp | |
Does seawater acidification affect zooxanthellae density and health in the invasive upside‐down jellyfish, Cassiopea spp.? | 2019 | weeks, Meaghe, Willink, McCravy | John G. Shedd Aquarium in Chicago | sp | |
Cassiosomes are stinging cell structures in the mucus of cassiopea | 2020 | Ames et al. | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Juvenile Cassiopea andromeda medusae are resistant to multiple thermal stress events | 2020 | Banha et al. | Brazilian coast | andromeda | |
Cell-free scaffold from jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda (Cnidaria; Scyphozoa) for skin tissue engineering | 2020 | Cervantes et al. | Yucatán, Mexico | andromeda | |
Modulatory Activities of Plant Extracts on Jellyfish Cytotoxicity | 2020 | Cornara et al. | Aquarium of Genova, Italy | andromeda | |
Studies on the cholinesterases inhibiting compounds from the Cassiopea andromeda venom | 2020 | Darabi et al. | Nayband-ba, Iran | andromeda | |
δ13C, δ15N, and C:N ratios as nutrition indicators of zooxanthellate jellyfishes: insights from an experimental approach | 2020 | Djeghri, Stibor, Lebeau and Pondaven | Aquarium (Trocadéro Aquarium- Paris, France) | sp | |
Jelly surge in the Mediterranean Sea: threat or opportunity? | 2020 | Gravili | Review | review | |
Evidence of microplastics from benthic jellyfish (Cassiopea xamachana) in Florida estuaries | 2020 | Iliff, Wilczek, Harris, Bouldin and Stoner | Florida; Florida Keys, Sarasota Bay and Jupiter | xamachana | |
Is phenotypic plasticity determined by temperature and fluid regime in filter-feeding gelatinous organisms? | 2020 | Jordano, Morandini and Nagata | Cabo Frio, Brazil | andromeda | |
Risk screening of the potential invasiveness of non-native jellyfishes in the Mediterranean Sea | 2020 | Killi, Tarkan, Kozic, Copp, Davidson and Vilizzi | Mediterranean | spp | |
First record of upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda (Forskål, 1775) (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cassiopeidae) from Sri Lanka | 2020 | Krishan D. Karunarathne, Shanika M. Liyanaarachchi and M.D.S.T. de Croos | Sri Lanka, India | andromeda | |
Amoebocytes facilitate efficient carbon and nitrogen assimilation in the Cassiopea-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis | 2020 | Lyndby et al. | DeJong Marinelife (Netherlands) | sp | |
Detecting effects of herbicide runoff: The use of Cassiopea maremetens as a biomonitor to hexazinone | 2020 | McKenzie, Templeman, Kingsford | Queensland, Australia | maremetens | |
Adaptation to Bleaching: Are Thermotolerant Symbiodiniaceae Strains More Successful Than Other strains Under Elevated Temperatures in a Model Symbiotic Cnidarian? | 2020 | Newkirk, Frazer, Martindale and Schnitzler | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
The puzzling occurrence of the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) along the Brazilian coast: a result of several invasion events? | 2020 | Stampar et al. | Brazil | andromeda, frondosa, ornata, xamachana | |
Assessment of scyphozoan diversity, distribution and blooms: Implications of jellyfish outbreaks to the environment and human welfare in Malaysia | 2020 | Syazwan, et al. | Malaysia | andromeda, sp | |
Ecologia populacional da medusa exótica Cassiopea andromeda Forskâl, 1775 (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) em uma fazenda de camarão e em ambiente de manguezal no Nordeste do Brasil | 2020 | Thé, Morandini | Brazil | andromeda | |
Size and density of upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea sp, and their impact on benthic fluxes in a Caribbean lagoon | 2020 | Zarnoch, Hossain, Fusco, Alldred, Hoellein and Perdikaris | Barbuda | sp | |
Fieldable Environmental DNA Sequencing to Assess Jellyfish Biodiversity in Nearshore Waters of the Florida Keys, United States | 2021 | Ames, Ohdera, Colston, Collins, Fitt, Morandini, Erickson, Vora | Florida Keys | xamachana, andromeda frondosa | |
The internal microenvironment of symbiotic jellyfish Cassiopea sp. from the Red Sea | 2021 | Arossa et al. | King Abdullah Economic City Lagoon, Red Sea | sp | |
Symbiotic microalgae do not increase susceptibility of zooxanthellate medusae (Cassiopea xamachana) to herbicides | 2021 | Carolina Olguín-Jacobson, Kylie A. Pitt | Sea World; Gold Coast, Australia | xamachana | |
New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (November 2021) | 2021 | Crocetta, et al. | Mediterranean (Lybia) | andromeda | |
Biochemical Characterization of Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775), Another Red Sea Jellyfish in the Western Mediterranean Sea | 2021 | De Rinaldis et al. | Palermo, Italy | andromeda | |
Effect of Cassiopea andromeda Venom on P15INK4b, P21 (WAF1/CIP1), P53, DNA methyltransferase 1, and Bcl-2 Genes Expression, Apoptosis Induction, and Cell Growth Inhibition in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia NB4 Cell line | 2021 | Dehghani et al. | persian gulf | andromeda | |
Benthic jellyfish dominate water mixing in mangrove ecosystems | 2021 | Durieux, Clos and Gemmell | Florida Keys | sp | |
Magnesium concentration influences size and pulse rate in the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda | 2021 | Evans, Millar, Wolvin, Pham, LePage, Lumsden | Hagen Aqualab | andromeda | |
Different Physiology in the Jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana and C. frondosa in Florida Bay | 2021 | Fitt, Hofmann, Kemp and Ohdera | Florida Bay | xamachana and andromeda | |
Rhizostomins: A Novel Pigment Family From Rhizostome Jellyfish (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) | 2021 | Lawley, Carroll and McDougall | Sequences, NCBI | xamachana | |
High photosynthetic plasticity may reinforce invasiveness of upside-down zooxanthellate jellyfish in Mediterranean coastal waters | 2021 | Mammone, Ferrier-Pagés, Lavorano, Rizzo, Piranino, Rossi | lab-reared | sp | |
Raising Awareness of the Severity of “Contactless Stings” by Cassiopea Jellyfish and Kin | 2021 | Muffett, Klompen, Collins, Ames | Caribbean, Florida, Hawaii, French Polynesia, Brazil, Panama, Ahu Dhabi and Israel | sp | |
Holobiont nitrogen control and its potential for eutrophication resistance in an obligate photosymbiotic jellyfish | 2021 | Röthig, Puntin, Wong, Burian, McLeod and Baker | lab-reared | xamachana | |
The utility of jellyfish as marine biomonitors | 2021 | Templeman, McKenzie and Kignsford | Review | sp | |
Non-indigenous upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda in shrimp farms (Brazil) | 2021 | The et al. | Brazil | andromeda | |
Phenotypic plasticity in Cassiopea ornata (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) suggests environmentally driven morphology | 2022 | Anthony, Heagy, Bentlage | Guam, Micronesia | ornata | |
Assessing Magnesium Chloride as a Chemical for Immobilization of a Symbiotic Jellyfish (Cassiopea sp.) | 2022 | Arossa, Klein, Parry, Aranda and Duarte | Red Sea | sp | |
Under pressure: Cassiopea andromeda jellyfish exposed to increasing water temperature or lead, cadmium and anthropogenic gadolinium contamination | 2022 | Béziat and Kunzmann | Red Sea and Lab-reared | andromeda | |
Snapshot of the Distribution and Biology of Alien Jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775) in a Mediterranean Touristic Harbour | 2022 | Cillari et al. | Palermo, Italy | andromeda | |
Indoles can induce strobilation in aposymbiotic Cassiopea andromeda polyps but are associated with developmental abnormalities | 2022 | Deng, Wang, Wang, Zhao, Luo | lab-reared | andromeda | |
Revealing hidden diversity among upside-down jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cassiopea): distinct evidence allows the change of status of a neglected variety and the description of a new species | 2022 | Gamero-Mora et al. | western pacific (Japan and Phillipines) | mayeri and culionensis | |
Cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis establishment is independent of photosynthesis | 2022 | Jinkerson et al. | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Scyphozoan jellyfish diversity and distribution along the north-eastern Arabian Sea, off Gujarat coast, India | 2022 | Kumawat et al. | Arabian Sea | andromeda | |
The mesoglea buffers the physico-chemical microenvironment of photosymbionts in the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea sp. | 2022 | Lyndby et al. | lab-reared | sp | |
The Upside-Down Jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana as an Emerging Model System to Study Cnidarian–Algal Symbiosis | 2022 | Medina et al. | none | xamachana | |
Impacts of Light and Food Availability on Early Development of Cassiopea Medusae | 2022 | Muffett, KM ; Aulgur, J ; Miglietta, MP | Florida Keys | sp | |
Reproducible propagation technique for the symbiotic cnidarian model system Cassiopea xamachana | 2022 | Newkirk, Vadlapudi, Sadula, Arbello and Xiang | lab-reared | xamachana | |
Complete and rapid regeneration of fragments from the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea | 2022 | Ostendarp, Plewka, Flathmann, Tilstra, El-Khaled and Wild | sp | ||
Evaluating the effectiveness of drones for quantifying invasive upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopea sp.) in Lake Macquarie, Australia | 2022 | Rowe et al. | Australia | sp | |
Population dynamics of the invasive upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea in Lake Macquarie: identification, seasonality, and distribution. | 2022 | Rowe, C. | Australia | maremetens and xamachana | |
Physiological responses of the upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Cassiopeidae) to temperature and implications for their range expansion along the east coast of Australia | 2022 | Rowe, Keable, Ahyong and Figueira | Australia | sp | |
Increased nutrient availability correlates with increased growth of the benthic jellyfish Cassiopea spp. | 2022 | Stoner, Archer and Layman | Abaco, Bahamas | spp | |
Severe seawater acidification causes a significant reduction in pulse rate, bell diameter, and acute deterioration in feeding apparatus in the scyphozoan medusa Cassiopeia sp. | 2022 | Thayer et al. | lab-reared (Tennessee Aquarium) | sp | |
Specific antibacterial activity against potential pathogens and re- straining of larvae settlement from a pigmented Pseudoalteromonas strain isolated from the jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana | 2022 | Thomé and Rivera-Ortega | Xcaret Park, Cancun, Mexico | xamachana | |
Invasive upside-down jellyfish tolerate organic eutrophication and warming | 2022 | Tilstra, Arjen; El-Khaled, Yusuf C; Meier, Saskia; Wild, Christian | lab-reared | sp | |
Sleep is required for neural network plasticity in the jellyfish Cassiopea | 2023 | Abrams, Zhang, von Emster, Lee, Zeigler, Jain, Jafri, Chen and Harland | lab-reared | xamachana | |
Aerobic respiration, biochemical composition, and glycolytic responses to ultraviolet radiation in jellyfish Cassiopea sp | 2023 | Aljbour, Alves, Agusti | Red Sea | sp | |
Flow fields generated by Cassiopea contractions: the effect of oral arms on feeding flows | 2023 | Connolly, Miller | none | none | |
The Zooxanthellate Jellyfish Holobiont Cassiopea andromeda, a Source of Soluble Bioactive Compounds | 2023 | De Domenico et al. | La Cala, Palermo, Italy | andromeda | |
The Effect of the Persian Gulf Jellyfish (Cassiopea andromeda) Venom on the Expression of P15, P21, P53, DNMT1, and Bcl-2 in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Jurkat Cells | 2023 | Dehghani et al. | Persian Gulf | andromeda | |
Benthic jellyfish act as suction pumps to facilitate release of interstitial porewater | 2023 | Durieux et al. | Florida Keys | sp | |
Light intensity changes and UVB radiation affect peridinin content and antioxidant activity in the Cassiopea andromeda holobiont | 2023 | Kühnhold et al. | Aquarium Berlin, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany | andromeda | |
Upside-down jellyfish as bioindicators of anthropogenic disturbances in coastal ecosystems | 2023 | López-Figueroa, N.B. | Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico | xamachana | |
Photobiology and metabolic interactions in the symbiotic jellyfish Cassiopea | 2023 | Lyndby | Aquarium, Marine Biology Section in Helsingør, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, collected from Cuba originally | sp | |
The mesoglea buffers the physico-chemical microenvironment of photosymbionts in the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea sp. | 2023 | Lyndby, Murray, Trampe, Meibom and Kühl | Aquarium, Marine Biology Section in Helsingør, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, collected from Cuba originally | sp | |
Photobiology and metabolic interactions in the symbiotic jellyfish Cassiopea | 2023 | Lyndby, Niclas Heidelberg | lab-reared | sp | |
Reproductive cycle and gonadal output of the Lessepsian jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda in NW Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) | 2023 | Mammone et al. | Palermo, Italy | andromeda | |
The influence of photosymbiosis in Cassiopea xamachana regenerative success | 2023 | lab-reared | xamachana | ||
Residual tissue magnesium concentration in jellyfish (Aurelia aurita and Cassiopea andromeda) following magnesium chloride euthanasia | 2023 | Millar et al. | University of Guelph Hagen Aqualab | andromeda | |
Characterization of the populations of upside-down jellyfish in Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba | 2023 | Morejón-Arrojo and Rdríguez-Viera | Gulf of Guacanayabo to Casilda Bay, Cuba | andromeda, frondosa | |
Demystifying Cassiopea species identity in the Florida Keys: Cassiopea xamachana and Cassiopea andromeda coexist in shallow waters | 2023 | Muffet and Miglietta | Florida Keys | xamachana, andromeda | |
Comparative Genomic Insights into Bacterial Induction of Larval Settlement and Metamorphosis in the Upside-Down Jellyfish Cassiopea | 2023 | Ohdera et al. | Key Largo, Florida | xamachana | |
Battle for the mounds: Niche competition between upside-down jellyfish and invasive seagrass | 2023 | Smulders, slikboer, christianen and vonk | Bonaire and Curaçao | spp | |
Gene Loss may have Shaped the Cnidarian and Bilaterian Hox and ParaHox Complement | 2023 | Steinworth, Martindale and Ryan | Florida Keys | xamachana | |
Understanding Cassiopea andromeda (Scyphozoa) Invasiveness in Different Habitats: A Multiple Biomarker Comparison | 2023 | Thé, Mammone, et al. | Ceará State, Brazil; Acarú and Itarema | andromeda | |
Host starvation and in hospite degradation of algal symbionts shape the heat stress response of the Cassiopea-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis | 2023 | Toullec et al. | DeJong Marinelife, Netherlands | andromeda | |
Symbiotic nutrient exchange enhances the longterm survival of cassiosomes, the autonomous stinging-cell structures of Cassiopea | 2023 | Toullec et al. | DeJong Marinelife, Netherlands | andromeda | |
Chemical Compositions and Experimental and Computational Modeling of the Anticancer Effects of Cnidocyte Venoms of Jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda and Catostylus mosaicus on Human Adenocarcinoma A549 Cells | 2023 | Zare et al. | Persian Gulf | andromeda | |
Non-invasive investigation of themorphology and optical properties of theupside-down jellyfishCassiopeawithoptical coherence tomography | 2023 | Lyndby et al. | DeJong Marinelife, Netherlands | sp. |
This database was contributed by Natalia Lopez Figueroa
Last updated May 2024